# | Name | Released at |
4 | Burzum - Demo | 1991 |
2 | Gorgoroth - A Sorcery Written in Blood | 1993-04-28 |
5 | Graveland - In the Glare of Burning Churches | 1993-06 |
48 | Beherit - Messe des Morts | 1993-12-14 |
92 | Vlad Tepes - Celtic Poetry | 1994-02 |
49 | Vlad Tepes - War Funeral March | 1994-08 |
10 | Mütiilation - Hail Satanas We Are the Black Legions | 1994 |
47 | Arckanum - Trulen | 1994 |
76 | Arkona - Bogowie Zapomnienia | 1994 |
78 | Arkona - An eternal Curse of the pagan Godz | 1994 |
41 | Black Murder - Feasts | 1995-07 |
34 | Taake - Manndaudsvinter | 1995 |
68 | Ildjarn - Det Frysende Nordariket | 1995 |
90 | Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood | 1995 |
16 | Ildjarn - Forest Poetry | 1996-06-24 |
84 | Seviss - ...Et Pleure Le Bâtard | 1996-08-03 |
60 | Forest - Forest | 1996 |
73 | Ildjarn - Strength and Anger | 1996 |
85 | Seviss - Et pleure le bâtard... | 1996 |
36 | Moonblood - Blut & Krieg | 1997-03 |
35 | Tsjuder - Throne of the Goat | 1997 |
19 | Abyssic Hate - Eternal Damnation | 1998 |
37 | Judas Iscariot - Heaven In Flames | 1999-02 |
11 | Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul | 1999 |
57 | Михаил Круг - Владимирский централ | 1999 |
52 | Clandestine Blaze - Night of the Unholy Flames | 2000-06 |
22 | 1349 - 1349 | 2001-02-15 |
15 | Sargeist - Tyranny Returns | 2001 |
27 | Mütiilation - Destroy Your Life for Satan | 2001 |
43 | Akitsa - Goétie | 2001 |
45 | Kristallnacht - Of Elitism and War | 2001 |
50 | Alcest - Tristesse Hivernale | 2001 |
97 | Deathspell Omega - Inquisitors of Satan | 2002-05-22 |
55 | Baptism - The Beherial Midnight | 2002-06-12 |
8 | Bilskirnir - In Flames of Purification | 2002 |
14 | Horna - Viha ja viikate | 2003-07-15 |
51 | Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion | 2003-07-22 |
23 | Moonblood - Dusk Woerot | 2003-09-18 |
12 | S.V.E.S.T. - Urfaust | 2003 |
94 | The Ruins of Beverast - The Furious Waves of Damnation | 2003 |
28 | Noenum - Black Esoteric Evangelium | 2004-01 |
93 | Funeral Winds - Koude Haat | 2004-02-13 |
74 | Behexen - By the Blessing of Satan | 2004-03-15 |
25 | Bilskirnir - Ahnenerbe | 2004-05-17 |
70 | Baptism - Wisdom & Hate | 2004-10-26 |
65 | Forest - As a Song in the Harvest of Grief | 2004 |
99 | Sombre Chemin - Doctrine | 2005-02-07 |
3 | Horna - Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne | 2005-03-23 |
33 | Satanic Warmaster - Carelian Satanist Madness | 2005-06-30 |
100 | Black Funeral - Az-i-Dahak | 2005 |
32 | Proclamation - Advent Of The Black Omen | 2006-06-25 |
20 | Akitsa - La Grande Infamie | 2006-06-30 |
59 | Katharsis - VVorldVVithoutEnd | 2006-08-31 |
96 | North - Na Polach Bitew | 2006-10-27 |
44 | Slavland - Tarcza Swaroga | 2006 |
53 | Ash Pool - Genital Tomb | 2006 |
67 | Black Funeral - Waters of Weeping | 2007-04-16 |
86 | Armagedda - Echoes in Eternity | 2007-06-20 |
91 | Ampütator - Deathcult Barbaric Hell | 2007-08-14 |
64 | Dodsferd - Cursing Your Will To Live | 2007-10-09 |
89 | Thorns - Stigma Diabolicum | 2007-10-30 |
30 | Kaosritual - Svøpt Morgenrød | 2007-11-16 |
71 | Ash Pool - Black Bondage in the North | 2007 |
87 | Wrath of the Weak - Alogon | 2008-02-15 |
31 | Mord - Necrosodomic Abyss | 2008-02-25 |
40 | Torgeist - Devoted To Satan | 2008-08-16 |
63 | Horna - Sanojesi Äärelle | 2008-10-01 |
17 | Volahn - Dimensiónes del Trance Kósmico | 2008-10-12 |
6 | Satanic Warmaster - Behexen / Satanic Warmaster | 2008-10-17 |
46 | Förgjord - Ajasta Ikuisuuteen | 2008-10-26 |
38 | Von - Satanic Blood Angel | 2009-06-15 |
24 | Insane Clown Posse - Bang! Pow! Boom! | 2009-09-01 |
69 | Arckanum - Fran Marder (2009 Reissue) | 2009-10-01 |
61 | Arizmenda - Within the Vacuum of Infinity... | 2009-10-12 |
13 | Justin Bieber - My Worlds | 2010-03-22 |
26 | Akitsa - Au crépuscule de l'espérance | 2010-04-06 |
39 | Vitsaus - Sielunmessu | 2010-05-20 |
77 | Satanic Warmaster - Nachzehrer | 2010-08-18 |
1 | Justin Bieber - My Worlds Acoustic | 2010-11-26 |
88 | Anna Blue - So Alone | 2010 |
72 | Dødsengel - Dødsengel | 2011-01-31 |
54 | Tukaaria - Raw to the Rapine | 2011-03-17 |
9 | Goatmoon - Varjot | 2011-08-08 |
7 | Rusko Star - Blonde | 2011-08-31 |
98 | Förgjord - Sielunvihollinen | 2012-02-24 |
95 | Peste Noire - Peste Noire | 2013-06-20 |
79 | Endlichkeit - Endlichkeit I–II | 2013-10-23 |
62 | Ildjarn - Those Once Mighty Fallen | 2013-10 |
75 | Profanatica - Thy Kingdom Cum | 2013-11-15 |
58 | BABYMETAL - BABYMETAL | 2014-02-26 |
83 | Sargeist - Feeding The Crawling Shadows | 2014-03-31 |
82 | Sortilegia - Arcane Death Ritual | 2014-12-06 |
56 | Akitsa - Grands Tyrans | 2015-06-02 |
18 | Horna - Hengen tulet | 2015-09-22 |
42 | Korgonthurus - Vuohen siunaus | 2016-05-27 |
29 | Arkona - Lunaris | 2016-11-04 |
80 | Clandestine Blaze - City of Slaughter | 2017-02-12 |
21 | Akitsa - Credo | 2018-10-12 |
66 | Deafheaven - Black Brick | 2019-02-27 |
81 | Raspberry Bulbs - Before The Age Of Mirrors | 2020-02-21 |